2018 Has Just Begun – Rossland! Hard Rock! River Rock!
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There’s some pretty big stuff (relative to my world) already in the making for this coming year. This past holiday season, I was able to finish up and master three singles which will be on my next full length album “HANDS”. I’m very keen on the new direction I’ve taken, which focuses more on the song itself. The result is having no build/layering of individual parts. Instead, I’ve by-passed the “introduction” of each instrument, and cut to the chase. This gave freedom to create some magic within the song structure itself. Although I can’t perform these songs live the way they are presented online, I will be creating live versions of them when I perform…
Speaking of which, ive been invited out to Rossland BC for a performance in mid-February. I’m very excited about performing in this old wooden venue (The Old Fire Hall), and the community that is coming together for this presentation. Thanks a bunch for taking the time for making this happen Powderhound Sports, The Rotary Club – and a special thanks to the lead producer – GypsyRoseBud, and her whole team! Watch here or familiar social media sites for updates…
And then there’s May 2018: The River Rock Casino Resort seems to be keen on an idea that is currently being discussed. No specific details available yet, but it could be a fairly large event. Stay tuned!!!….
Thanks for checking out my new material, and for sticking with me on my journey. I’m a little over 6 years in, and many more years and albums to go!
Check out New Songs Here
Be good!